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El Sword Shot Dmg

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Activating the ability grants her additional attack and movement speed. Fan of arrows is the second ability. Minerva launches 6 arrows that deal magic dmg. Idm for mac with crack. At the same time, she slows the enemies movement speed. Minerva's ult is Moon Shot. She launches an arrow to a specific direction. The first target affected by this arrow gets magic dmg. Buffs; For example ATK Up ATK is boosted, DEF Up DEF is boosted, and TA Up Triple attack rate is boosted No known cap. Special Buffs; Certain status effects are classified as 'special buffs', which are indicated by their skill descriptions in-game, and the status infobox in the wiki. Triple cherry slots. This tier is only apply to late game players (basically when you started to one shot everything with skill). This tier list is about how relevant a char is compare to other in the tier list. Sage peachtree complete accounting 2011 serial number. For example: A char from 'fast' category will be beaten consistently by a char from 'speed demon' category class (for MVP) if they are partying together.

El Sword Shot Dmg
Mar 27th, 2018

Elsword Shot Dmg 2017

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Elsword shot dmg software
Mar 27th, 2018

Elsword Shot Dmg 2017

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  1. Entire script was created by ClassyInori#5056.
  2. If you're going to make videos or re-release this or whatever make sure to give credits.
  3. if not type(key) 'string' or string.len(key) > 1 then error('mega new user :holy') else key = key:upper() end
  4. local function getService(str)
  5. end
  6. -- secondary bypass method, main one is used in my paid script.
  7. local mt = getrawmetatable(game)
  8. if setreadonly then setreadonly(mt, false) elseif make_writeable then make_writeable(mt) end
  9. local o_namecall = mt.__namecall; local o_newindex = mt.__newindex
  10. mt.__namecall = function(self, .)
  11. local method = args[#args]
  12. if method 'Kick' or method 'BreakJoints' then
  13. return
  14. return o_namecall(self, .)
  15. if k 'Health' then
  16. return error('Bypassed.')
  17. elseif k 'Value' and tostring(t) and tostring(t) 'Health' then
  18. return error('Bypassed.')
  19. return o_newindex(t, k, v)
  20. end
  21. tpwsbypass()
  22. local plr = getService('Players').LocalPlayer; local char = plr.Character; local data = char:WaitForChild('Entity', 5)
  23. local function getMob()
  24. for i, v in next, getService('Workspace').Mobs:children() do
  25. if v:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and v:FindFirstChild('Entity') and v:FindFirstChild('Healthbar') then
  26. end
  27. warn('no mobs')
  28. getService('UserInputService').InputBegan:Connect(function(input)
  29. toggled = not toggled
  30. end
  31. while wait(.25) do -- 10/10 loopage 100% non-skiddery :holy:
  32. local mob = getMob()
  33. repeat wait(.1)
  34. char = plr.Character
  35. break
  36. if char:FindFirstChild('Entity') then
  37. else
  38. end
  39. if not mob:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  40. elseif not mob:FindFirstChild('Entity') then
  41. elseif not mob:FindFirstChild('Healthbar') then
  42. elseif not char:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then
  43. end
  44. char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = mob.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame
  45. mouse1click()
  46. Input.LeftClick()
  47. error('ey yo u using a bad exploit why dont u buy synapse instead')
  48. until data.Health.Value 0 or not mob or not toggled
  49. end
RAW Paste Data
--[[ Entire script was created by ClassyInori#5056. If you're going to make videos or re-release this or whatever make sure to give credits. ]] local key = 'k' -- key to toggle farm -- -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- if not type(key) 'string' or string.len(key) > 1 then error('mega new user :holy') else key = key:upper() end local function getService(str) return game:GetService(str) end -- secondary bypass method, main one is used in my paid script. local function tpwsbypass() local mt = getrawmetatable(game) if setreadonly then setreadonly(mt, false) elseif make_writeable then make_writeable(mt) end local o_namecall = mt.__namecall; local o_newindex = mt.__newindex mt.__namecall = function(self, .) local args = {.} local method = args[#args] if method 'Kick' or method 'BreakJoints' then --print('Caught: '.method.' being naughty.') return end return o_namecall(self, .) end mt.__newindex = function(t, k, v) if k 'Health' then --print('Caught death.') return error('Bypassed.') elseif k 'Value' and tostring(t) and tostring(t) 'Health' then --print('Caught death.') return error('Bypassed.') end return o_newindex(t, k, v) end end tpwsbypass() local plr = getService('Players').LocalPlayer; local char = plr.Character; local data = char:WaitForChild('Entity', 5) local function getMob() for i, v in next, getService('Workspace').Mobs:children() do if v:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') and v:FindFirstChild('Entity') and v:FindFirstChild('Healthbar') then return v end end warn('no mobs') end local toggled = false getService('UserInputService').InputBegan:Connect(function(input) if input.KeyCode Enum.KeyCode[key] then toggled = not toggled warn(tostring(toggled)) end end) while wait(.25) do -- 10/10 loopage 100% non-skiddery :holy: if toggled then local mob = getMob() if mob then repeat wait(.1) if plr.Character then char = plr.Character else break end if char:FindFirstChild('Entity') then data = char.Entity else break end if not mob:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then break elseif not mob:FindFirstChild('Entity') then break elseif not mob:FindFirstChild('Healthbar') then break elseif not char:FindFirstChild('HumanoidRootPart') then break end char.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = mob.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame if mouse1click then mouse1click() elseif Input then Input.LeftClick() else error('ey yo u using a bad exploit why dont u buy synapse instead') end until data.Health.Value 0 or not mob or not toggled end end end

Elsword Shot Dmg Software

Feb 10th, 2015
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  1. Deadly Chaser guide
  2. PVE FAQ
  3. Has extremely high DPS due to pistols passives and sharpshooter syndrome.
  4. His arsenal, either actives or special actives, deal a shitton of damage.
  5. Lower cooldown/mp cost because his remarkable intense showtime.
  6. Very good either for bossing or clearing, and has variety of slick manouevres.
  7. Only drawback is when his Freiturnier mode turned off, and somewhat lacking in mana gain with his normals.
  8. 1. Skills FAQ
  9. Q : Why no reload and no remodel magazine ?
  10. A : Both are fairly useful pre-Intense Showtime and obviously PvP, but you oughta drop both of them when you capped.
  11. Q : > no comet crasher
  12. A : Comet crasher is outdamaged by LB (5257% vs 7051%) and has bad AoE since last update. Also you will need Sharpshooter syndrome most of the time in dungeons.
  13. Q : > maxing base job skill ishiggyddt
  14. A : New level 20 Lunatic Blow deals 7051% damage to closest targets. Only 4.5s cooldown in freiturnier mode. Only drawback is long animation (which is actually useful for iframes)
  15. Q : > no heavy railgun
  16. A : unnoted heavy railgun is good for horizontal killsteals, but costs too much MP for unstable damage.
  17. Q : > no rapid shot
  18. A : Hard nerfed. Only 6 shots max now. Still fairly useful because it has superarmor. Your call.
  19. Q : Headshot is better than double fire and magnum shot, amirite?
  20. A : Buffed+noted double fire deals better average damage than noted headshot. MS deals at least 1183% dmg at lvl 17. Sharpshooter syndrome does not affect headshot 'head shot' proc. Headshot is pretty cool though, and it pierces two opponent.
  21. Q : QB won't launch and fucks up my camera, what do?
  22. A : Either get a better internet or blame laggers in your field / party. Or switch your QB with SS.
  23. Q : Bullet blitz is weak and i shouldn't waste SP for that.
  24. A : Sure, it's pretty weak even when directly compared to Mastermind's flick disk, but BB is useful for slaying gargoyles and staggering mobs. Plus it looks pretty cool. Your call.
  25. Q : S2 intense showtime > S3 intense showtime
  26. A : Not really, S3 intense showtime has more cooldown reduction. You can always spam MP potions anytime.
  27. 2. Q : How to gain beads ?
  28. A : XZ active repeat / ZZXX / Sharpshooter syndrome. Use rumble shot every often.
  29. 3. Q : Best gear for PvE DC?
  30. A : Full trans set (increasing double damage potential) or 3-x gear (additional crit dmg for 10s). Use dark 3 weapon.
  31. 4. Q : Status build for PvE DC?
  32. A : at least 20% aspd, at least 30% awk charge, at least 20% awk time, leave your crit at 75%.
  33. ----------
  34. ----------
  35. PVE 1 / Endgame DC -
  36. Very common build for endgame DC. Needs plenty of MP pots. Go get a girl for marriage skill. Replace QB with SS if you don't really need burst damage or you have shit internet.
  37. Note : QB/SS, Rumble shot, Magnum shot (preferably not), and double fire.
  38. Slot B : Lunatic Blow / Quantum Ballista / Outrage Strike / Extreme love
  39. Slot A : Sharpshooter Syndrome / Magnum shot / Rumble shot / Double fire
  40. PVE 2 / Gotta go fast DC -
  41. An outdated build, deals notably less damage than the previous build, but is very fun nonetheless. Again, replace QB with SS, if you need to. See FAQ section for info about dual buster.
  42. Note : QB/SS, Headshot, Double fire
  43. Slot B : Dual Buster / Quantum Ballista / Outrage Strike / Sharpshooter Syndrome
  44. Slot A : Bullet Blitz / Leg shot / Head shot / Double fire
  45. PVP FAQ
  46. - >>^X~[X/vX] and >>^XvZ for pressure and catching.
  47. - Use ZZvZ<> loop for off-screen reloading.
  48. - Use XX(X) for counters / babby's safety reloading.
  49. - Quick idle reloading : wait for chung to reload his cannon and immediatly press after reloading.
  50. - Use >>XX + active for catching gullible pursuers
  51. - ZZvZ<> to ^x^x to Repeat or Active
  52. - XZ Repeat or Active (DC's simplest BNB)
  53. - ZZXX Reload
  54. - ^v Reload
  55. Lunatic blow = Nuke. Never use this when you have less than 6 bullets. Don't use this as panic button. Make sure you are close enough to your opponent(s). Better use this after a couple of hit like Z-skill or ZZVZ-skill.
  56. Scare chase = Catch. Pretty flashy, but has somewhat low damage for 150 mp. You can also use this to slay runners, but don't expect much in terms of damage.
  57. Seal of patience = Buff. Use this when your friends got near enough to you. Never ever use this as a panic button.
  58. Detonation = Low cost nuke. Deals decent damage for 100mp, but has awkward launch afterwards. Use this as a finisher.
  59. Reload = Essential resource-handling skill. Good hitstun, good for hit confirms. Note is mandatory.
  60. Siege shelling = Mindgame. Use it when you have at least 3 bullets (I often shoot 7 times only with 3 bullets with noted+maxed siege, and gas piston system) Learn about its shooting distance, maximum shooting angle, and good sniping spots. Stop firing at the sixth shot to prevent KD. Having a widescreen monitor also helps your siege-ing session.
  61. Double fire = Catch/combo. Have quick cooldown and low MP cost. Pierces once. Note is recommended.
  62. Head shot = Catch/combo. Pierces twice. Note is mandatory.
  63. Magnum shot = Catch/combo. Noted magnum shot can be used for long horizontal catch, it has decent hitstun. Very good for 2v2/3v3. Don't use noted magnum shot at point blank. If you rather use magnum shot at a point blank, don't apply the skill note. It's a good skill for either purpose (horizontal catch or high damage bnb)
  64. Dual buster = Catch. Well, awesome catching skill. Note is purely optional.
  65. Shooting Star = Nuke. Babby's easy manslaying skill, works like charm, but has somewhat low damage for 300mp tier skill. Use whenever and wherever you got enough MP and bullets. Note is recommended.
  66. Quantum Ballista = Nuke. Cast ballista, and then freeze the screen quickly afterwards with awakening button. You can ask for your friends' awakening button for this purpose. Poorly timed awakening will completely disregard ballista's damage, so use it carefully. The manual aim is good for mindgames, especially in the narrow maps. Can be bad in laggy situations. Deals fuckhuge damage. Don't bother to use this skill in PVP if you're not confident enough. Note is recommended.
  67. Aiming Shot = Mindgame. For punishing runners and laggers alike. Instantly KD one opponent. Has good shooting angle. Has long aftercast delay. Skill note is good for crippling your opponent. Can be used for panic button. Can also be used for pissing off your opponents by keeping them on the floor. Don't use aiming shot for catches, hit confirm, or BNB. Never use aiming shot when your friends are busy comboing. Note is recommended.
  68. Sharpshooter syndrome : Catch/Buff skill. Good for catching purpose. Has decent AoE and nice hitbox. Deals decent damage for 150 mp. Sucks your opponent towards you. Sharpshooter syndrome buff is top tier even in PvP. Use this often to ensure your crit / DPS. Watch for the platforms above you as your opponents might escape from the dome.
  69. Comet crasher : Nuke with style, just like other diagonal 200 mp skills like harpoon spear, swordfire, or quake buster. Deals decent damage. After revamp, comet crasher got pretty bad AoE. SSS is way better nowadays.
  70. Leg shot : DC's only crippling skill. Combine this skill with water 3 weapon for maximum torture. It's pretty hard to hit with this shot because it has shit range and weird hitbox. Use this skill at point blank. I don't recommend using this skill as a catching tool. Can be used for combos.
  71. Rumble shot : Mindgame. Useful for combos, pressure, zoning, KD prevention, and catching. Has pretty lengthy animation. Fairly slow casting time. Deals decent damage at 0 MP cost. Charges awakening beads quickly. Never use Rumble Shot for panic button, it will fail. Rumble shot has many practical use, so oughta learn this stuff properly. Note is mandatory.
  72. Bullet blitz : Catch. Has somewhat tight aoe in pvp, but has lengthy stagger duration outside of freeze time. I find BB rather useless in 1v1 because of range nerf.
  73. Rapid cannon : Mindgame. Panic button, because it costs 0 mp and has lengthy super armor.
  74. Outrage strike : Nuke. Very easy to land all possible hits as long as your opponents remain on your screen.
  75. ----------
  76. ----------
  77. PVP 1 / Duel DC -
  78. Ring of flexibility (active skill ring) is mandatory.
  79. Build purpose is 1v1 without HA. Level 23 reload along with note and magazine passive reloads 3-5 bullet, so you don't have to rely on your freiturnier mode. My favorite PvP build so far.
  80. Note : Siege, Reload, Rumble shot, Double shot, Headshot, Aiming shot
  81. Slot B : Dual buster OR Sharpshooter syndrome / Siege shelling / Aiming shot / reload
  82. Slot A : Rumble shot / Magnum shot / Headshot / Double shot
  83. PVP 2 / General support fire DC -
  84. Build purpose is for 2v2/3v3 support. You will spend most of your PVP time sieging/aimshotting opponents. Invest remaining SP to whatever you like.
  85. Note : Siege, rumble shot, magnum shot, aiming shot, reload
  86. Slot B : Sharpshooter Syndrome / Seal of Patience / Outrage strike / Reload
  87. Slot A : Siege Shelling / Rumble shot / Magnum shot / Aiming shot
  88. Last edited Apr 16 2015
  89. Disclaimer : This guide is based on the most recent Elsword NA update.
Deadly Chaser guide ------- PVE FAQ ------- Nuke everything with deadly chaser. Has extremely high DPS due to pistols passives and sharpshooter syndrome. His arsenal, either actives or special actives, deal a shitton of damage. Lower cooldown/mp cost because his remarkable intense showtime. Very good either for bossing or clearing, and has variety of slick manouevres. Only drawback is when his Freiturnier mode turned off, and somewhat lacking in mana gain with his normals. 1. Skills FAQ Q : Why no reload and no remodel magazine ? A : Both are fairly useful pre-Intense Showtime and obviously PvP, but you oughta drop both of them when you capped. Q : > no comet crasher A : Comet crasher is outdamaged by LB (5257% vs 7051%) and has bad AoE since last update. Also you will need Sharpshooter syndrome most of the time in dungeons. Q : > maxing base job skill ishiggyddt A : New level 20 Lunatic Blow deals 7051% damage to closest targets. Only 4.5s cooldown in freiturnier mode. Only drawback is long animation (which is actually useful for iframes) Q : > no heavy railgun A : unnoted heavy railgun is good for horizontal killsteals, but costs too much MP for unstable damage. Q : > no rapid shot A : Hard nerfed. Only 6 shots max now. Still fairly useful because it has superarmor. Your call. Q : Headshot is better than double fire and magnum shot, amirite? A : Buffed+noted double fire deals better average damage than noted headshot. MS deals at least 1183% dmg at lvl 17. Sharpshooter syndrome does not affect headshot 'head shot' proc. Headshot is pretty cool though, and it pierces two opponent. Q : QB won't launch and fucks up my camera, what do? A : Either get a better internet or blame laggers in your field / party. Or switch your QB with SS. Q : Bullet blitz is weak and i shouldn't waste SP for that. A : Sure, it's pretty weak even when directly compared to Mastermind's flick disk, but BB is useful for slaying gargoyles and staggering mobs. Plus it looks pretty cool. Your call. Q : S2 intense showtime > S3 intense showtime A : Not really, S3 intense showtime has more cooldown reduction. You can always spam MP potions anytime. 2. Q : How to gain beads ? A : XZ active repeat / ZZXX / Sharpshooter syndrome. Use rumble shot every often. 3. Q : Best gear for PvE DC? A : Full trans set (increasing double damage potential) or 3-x gear (additional crit dmg for 10s). Use dark 3 weapon. 4. Q : Status build for PvE DC? A : at least 20% aspd, at least 30% awk charge, at least 20% awk time, leave your crit at 75%. ---------- PVE Builds ---------- PVE 1 / Endgame DC - Very common build for endgame DC. Needs plenty of MP pots. Go get a girl for marriage skill. Replace QB with SS if you don't really need burst damage or you have shit internet. Note : QB/SS, Rumble shot, Magnum shot (preferably not), and double fire. Slot B : Lunatic Blow / Quantum Ballista / Outrage Strike / Extreme love Slot A : Sharpshooter Syndrome / Magnum shot / Rumble shot / Double fire PVE 2 / Gotta go fast DC - An outdated build, deals notably less damage than the previous build, but is very fun nonetheless. Again, replace QB with SS, if you need to. See FAQ section for info about dual buster. Note : QB/SS, Headshot, Double fire Slot B : Dual Buster / Quantum Ballista / Outrage Strike / Sharpshooter Syndrome Slot A : Bullet Blitz / Leg shot / Head shot / Double fire ------- PVP FAQ ------- 1. Common PvP routines - >>^X~[X/vX] and >>^XvZ for pressure and catching. - Do >>^<<X for very high jump. - Use ZZvZ<> loop for off-screen reloading. - Use XX(X) for counters / babby's safety reloading. - Quick idle reloading : wait for chung to reload his cannon and immediatly press </> after reloading. - Use >>XX + active for catching gullible pursuers - Babby mode combos : - ZZvZ<> to ^x^x to Repeat or Active - >>Z Active - XZ Repeat or Active (DC's simplest BNB) - Z Active or Z Special active - ZZXX Reload - XX Reload - ^v Reload 2. General skill knowledge for PvP Lunatic blow = Nuke. Never use this when you have less than 6 bullets. Don't use this as panic button. Make sure you are close enough to your opponent(s). Better use this after a couple of hit like Z-skill or ZZVZ-skill. Scare chase = Catch. Pretty flashy, but has somewhat low damage for 150 mp. You can also use this to slay runners, but don't expect much in terms of damage. Seal of patience = Buff. Use this when your friends got near enough to you. Never ever use this as a panic button. Detonation = Low cost nuke. Deals decent damage for 100mp, but has awkward launch afterwards. Use this as a finisher. Reload = Essential resource-handling skill. Good hitstun, good for hit confirms. Note is mandatory. Siege shelling = Mindgame. Use it when you have at least 3 bullets (I often shoot 7 times only with 3 bullets with noted+maxed siege, and gas piston system) Learn about its shooting distance, maximum shooting angle, and good sniping spots. Stop firing at the sixth shot to prevent KD. Having a widescreen monitor also helps your siege-ing session. Double fire = Catch/combo. Have quick cooldown and low MP cost. Pierces once. Note is recommended. Head shot = Catch/combo. Pierces twice. Note is mandatory. Magnum shot = Catch/combo. Noted magnum shot can be used for long horizontal catch, it has decent hitstun. Very good for 2v2/3v3. Don't use noted magnum shot at point blank. If you rather use magnum shot at a point blank, don't apply the skill note. It's a good skill for either purpose (horizontal catch or high damage bnb) Dual buster = Catch. Well, awesome catching skill. Note is purely optional. Shooting Star = Nuke. Babby's easy manslaying skill, works like charm, but has somewhat low damage for 300mp tier skill. Use whenever and wherever you got enough MP and bullets. Note is recommended. Quantum Ballista = Nuke. Cast ballista, and then freeze the screen quickly afterwards with awakening button. You can ask for your friends' awakening button for this purpose. Poorly timed awakening will completely disregard ballista's damage, so use it carefully. The manual aim is good for mindgames, especially in the narrow maps. Can be bad in laggy situations. Deals fuckhuge damage. Don't bother to use this skill in PVP if you're not confident enough. Note is recommended. Aiming Shot = Mindgame. For punishing runners and laggers alike. Instantly KD one opponent. Has good shooting angle. Has long aftercast delay. Skill note is good for crippling your opponent. Can be used for panic button. Can also be used for pissing off your opponents by keeping them on the floor. Don't use aiming shot for catches, hit confirm, or BNB. Never use aiming shot when your friends are busy comboing. Note is recommended. Sharpshooter syndrome : Catch/Buff skill. Good for catching purpose. Has decent AoE and nice hitbox. Deals decent damage for 150 mp. Sucks your opponent towards you. Sharpshooter syndrome buff is top tier even in PvP. Use this often to ensure your crit / DPS. Watch for the platforms above you as your opponents might escape from the dome. Comet crasher : Nuke with style, just like other diagonal 200 mp skills like harpoon spear, swordfire, or quake buster. Deals decent damage. After revamp, comet crasher got pretty bad AoE. SSS is way better nowadays. Leg shot : DC's only crippling skill. Combine this skill with water 3 weapon for maximum torture. It's pretty hard to hit with this shot because it has shit range and weird hitbox. Use this skill at point blank. I don't recommend using this skill as a catching tool. Can be used for combos. Rumble shot : Mindgame. Useful for combos, pressure, zoning, KD prevention, and catching. Has pretty lengthy animation. Fairly slow casting time. Deals decent damage at 0 MP cost. Charges awakening beads quickly. Never use Rumble Shot for panic button, it will fail. Rumble shot has many practical use, so oughta learn this stuff properly. Note is mandatory. Bullet blitz : Catch. Has somewhat tight aoe in pvp, but has lengthy stagger duration outside of freeze time. I find BB rather useless in 1v1 because of range nerf. Rapid cannon : Mindgame. Panic button, because it costs 0 mp and has lengthy super armor. Outrage strike : Nuke. Very easy to land all possible hits as long as your opponents remain on your screen. ---------- PVP Builds ---------- PVP 1 / Duel DC - Ring of flexibility (active skill ring) is mandatory. Build purpose is 1v1 without HA. Level 23 reload along with note and magazine passive reloads 3-5 bullet, so you don't have to rely on your freiturnier mode. My favorite PvP build so far. Note : Siege, Reload, Rumble shot, Double shot, Headshot, Aiming shot Slot B : Dual buster OR Sharpshooter syndrome / Siege shelling / Aiming shot / reload Slot A : Rumble shot / Magnum shot / Headshot / Double shot PVP 2 / General support fire DC - Build purpose is for 2v2/3v3 support. You will spend most of your PVP time sieging/aimshotting opponents. Invest remaining SP to whatever you like. Note : Siege, rumble shot, magnum shot, aiming shot, reload Slot B : Sharpshooter Syndrome / Seal of Patience / Outrage strike / Reload Slot A : Siege Shelling / Rumble shot / Magnum shot / Aiming shot ----------------------- Last edited Apr 16 2015 Disclaimer : This guide is based on the most recent Elsword NA update.

broken image